In Florida, it is allowed to enact the law on minors 16 and under. A minor may not remain in a public place from Sunday to Thursday, between 11 p.m and 5 a.m or between 12:01 a.m and 6 a.m on Saturday or Sunday. If a minor is found outside of those times a 50$ fine will result for the minors actions. Only 5 counties in Florida have a daytime curfew, those counties are Pasco, Miami-Dade, Hendry, Clades and Clay Counties.
California day time curfew, more then 70 cities have passes this law in there town. For having this daytime curfew the drop out rates around the world decreased by 54%. When day school was not in session the curfew was not in seccion. As for home schoolers, if a county or city has a curfew home schooled kids won't be allowed to go on field trips, with out being under suspicion the whole time and will eventually be questioned.
In my personal oppion there should be a daytime curfew, this will slow and maybe stop the crime rates in our town, but we shouldnt be arrested or fined. What if we have a doctors appt, or and orto and we have to drive our selves there and we get caught. That is what I wouldn't like about it.
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