on April 11th 2011 I finally get my braces off!! I'm so excited!! Ive had them on since the beginning of my freshman year nd im not a jr...at least i will get them off befor senir pictures and prom! :)
also mom and dad are looking to get me in to modleing!!! that should be exciting!! Spring break was pretty dumb! wasnt much to do. but I still had fun!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
outline......for research paper
I. Intro
A. Daytime Curfews
B. When law passed
II. How it effects you.
A. What the fine amount is
B. School times
III. Flordia
A. Curfew hours
B. Fines to pay
A. Cities that have it
B. How home school kids deal with it
V. My oppion
A. What i think about it.
A. Daytime Curfews
B. When law passed
II. How it effects you.
A. What the fine amount is
B. School times
III. Flordia
A. Curfew hours
B. Fines to pay
A. Cities that have it
B. How home school kids deal with it
V. My oppion
A. What i think about it.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Another dumb week...
So I found out that I have something in My hand that causes it to swell up... isn't that fascinating.... its pretty hard to type. :) but things are getting better at dads. We got the whole thing figured out, well kinda. but other then that things are going pretty good. swimming season is coming up and I cant wait, I love to swim. I wish I could have done track but because of my knees in my car accident I cant. WITCH SUCKS. alsoooooo my birthday is almost here well in 6 months but ill finally be 18 :) I'm excited. I'm really glad that i came to this school because i made some really good friends and I'm also passing. so yay
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Day Time Curfews!
Daytime curfews were passes on April 6th, 2010. This is a proven act to help teens stay out of trouble such as curb truancy and crime. Day time curfews make it SUPER ILLEGAL for any YOUNG PERSON to be out and about 30 minuets before school starts and 30 minuets after school ends. This gives any officer to the right to arrest a young person who is found on the streets during school hours. By passing the curfew law can led up to 40% in crime rate drop.
If the young person is caught more then 3 times, it gives the officer the right to send the parents to court. Law was put into action in California, adding 20% of homicides were minors. The former states that have the Daytime Curfew in parts of the state are Texas, Ohio, Georgia, Florida and California. In Dallas 17 & under can receive a $500 fine if caught during school hours with out a parent. Some states curfew goes from 9 a.m to 2 p.m every school day.
In Florida, it is allowed to enact the law on minors 16 and under. A minor may not remain in a public place from Sunday to Thursday, between 11 p.m and 5 a.m or between 12:01 a.m and 6 a.m on Saturday or Sunday. If a minor is found outside of those times a 50$ fine will result for the minors actions. Only 5 counties in Florida have a daytime curfew, those counties are Pasco, Miami-Dade, Hendry, Clades and Clay Counties.
California day time curfew, more then 70 cities have passes this law in there town. For having this daytime curfew the drop out rates around the world decreased by 54%. When day school was not in session the curfew was not in seccion. As for home schoolers, if a county or city has a curfew home schooled kids won't be allowed to go on field trips, with out being under suspicion the whole time and will eventually be questioned.
In my personal oppion there should be a daytime curfew, this will slow and maybe stop the crime rates in our town, but we shouldnt be arrested or fined. What if we have a doctors appt, or and orto and we have to drive our selves there and we get caught. That is what I wouldn't like about it.
First site!
Second site
Third site!
fourth SITE!!!
In Florida, it is allowed to enact the law on minors 16 and under. A minor may not remain in a public place from Sunday to Thursday, between 11 p.m and 5 a.m or between 12:01 a.m and 6 a.m on Saturday or Sunday. If a minor is found outside of those times a 50$ fine will result for the minors actions. Only 5 counties in Florida have a daytime curfew, those counties are Pasco, Miami-Dade, Hendry, Clades and Clay Counties.
California day time curfew, more then 70 cities have passes this law in there town. For having this daytime curfew the drop out rates around the world decreased by 54%. When day school was not in session the curfew was not in seccion. As for home schoolers, if a county or city has a curfew home schooled kids won't be allowed to go on field trips, with out being under suspicion the whole time and will eventually be questioned.
In my personal oppion there should be a daytime curfew, this will slow and maybe stop the crime rates in our town, but we shouldnt be arrested or fined. What if we have a doctors appt, or and orto and we have to drive our selves there and we get caught. That is what I wouldn't like about it.
First site!
Second site
Third site!
fourth SITE!!!
how earth started
I believe that the world began by a floating giant planet, that was far away from the sun, when it moved closer it was sucked in to the suns gravitational pull and was stuck there. In the long run it got warmer and warmed the planet up and made trees and grass grow. Then it unfroze tiny particles like animals and bugs and they grew bigger and bigger till they were fully developed, and I do believe the monkeys formed man. They are smart animal, they fight for there own food, make there own place to live, and communicate like humans. That or were like Horton Hears a Whoo and live on a giant speck on a clover !!!

some times I do wonder if there is another planet out there that has life just like us, and people just like us. it really makes you wonder.
some times I do wonder if there is another planet out there that has life just like us, and people just like us. it really makes you wonder.
My persuasive piece is about 2012. What I think about 2012 and what others think about 2012 can be two different things. What I think about 20M12, from what I hear, Read, and see on TV can be pretty scary. Scientist have been doing research for many years now, saying that the world is going to end. Well I researched 2012, and going to give some facts.
The Long Count Calendar of the Ancient Mayans ends on Dec 21, 2012. To some people, they think the world is going to end. I do as well. doesn't mean it will, Some of the things that could happen on 2012 are, asteroid shower, gravitational field pull, supernova, disease out break, or massive storms, such as hurricanes, tornado's, floods, and title wave
<------------ this is a supernova. which are super solar flares from the sun
ASTEROID SHOWER--------------->
<------------ This is a Magnetic field reversal.
The switching of the north and south poles.
END OF THE WORLD! <---- click here

<------- The Pyramid of Kukulkan. The pyramid was used as a calendar: four stairways, each with 91 steps and a platform at the top, making a total of 365, equivalent to the number of days in a calendar year. The Mayans were certain that the year was longer then 365 days.
The Mayans stopped the calender on December 21st, 2012, why? because they believe that there would be a new era, This is when they Mayan would set there calender back to its original time. I believe that the Mayan knew there would be a new era. or a time for changing.
<--------- Mayans Calender
Mayans calender
The most famous doomsday prophet is Nostradamus. He predicted when 9/11 was coming and this is something he said.

"The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck."
I also believe 2012 is coming because the world was suppose to end so many times before i was born and after i was born, who is to say that what scientist and the Mayan really predicted isn't coming true.
Nostradamus, predicted alot of stuff that would come true and so far it has.
Is 2012 True or False prophecy? Ive done alot of research and alot of people and scientist did some research. One research reason was that the year 2012 has gone and past. Another is that they think the Mayan new that there was going to be a new era, and purposely ended they calender there. Some say that the Fall of Babylon or Fall of the Great King (Saddam) is part of the the prophecy to 2012.
To wrap this all up, just think about the stuff you do and what the meaning earth really means.
what if something did happen, where would we go, would we be left behind to fend for our self's, what would happen if we did survive threw 2012, how would we start over? Every little action you do counts on what happens to our future, your kids futures, or your kids kids future!
The Long Count Calendar of the Ancient Mayans ends on Dec 21, 2012. To some people, they think the world is going to end. I do as well. doesn't mean it will, Some of the things that could happen on 2012 are, asteroid shower, gravitational field pull, supernova, disease out break, or massive storms, such as hurricanes, tornado's, floods, and title wave
<------------ this is a supernova. which are super solar flares from the sun
ASTEROID SHOWER--------------->
<------------ This is a Magnetic field reversal.
The switching of the north and south poles.
END OF THE WORLD! <---- click here
<------- The Pyramid of Kukulkan. The pyramid was used as a calendar: four stairways, each with 91 steps and a platform at the top, making a total of 365, equivalent to the number of days in a calendar year. The Mayans were certain that the year was longer then 365 days.
The Mayans stopped the calender on December 21st, 2012, why? because they believe that there would be a new era, This is when they Mayan would set there calender back to its original time. I believe that the Mayan knew there would be a new era. or a time for changing.
Mayans calender
The most famous doomsday prophet is Nostradamus. He predicted when 9/11 was coming and this is something he said.
"The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck."
I also believe 2012 is coming because the world was suppose to end so many times before i was born and after i was born, who is to say that what scientist and the Mayan really predicted isn't coming true.
Nostradamus, predicted alot of stuff that would come true and so far it has.
Is 2012 True or False prophecy? Ive done alot of research and alot of people and scientist did some research. One research reason was that the year 2012 has gone and past. Another is that they think the Mayan new that there was going to be a new era, and purposely ended they calender there. Some say that the Fall of Babylon or Fall of the Great King (Saddam) is part of the the prophecy to 2012.
To wrap this all up, just think about the stuff you do and what the meaning earth really means.
what if something did happen, where would we go, would we be left behind to fend for our self's, what would happen if we did survive threw 2012, how would we start over? Every little action you do counts on what happens to our future, your kids futures, or your kids kids future!
question for Ryan
1. What is your favorite color.
2. What is your favorite sport.
3. What was the best movie you played in.
4. What was your favorite TV show as a kid.
5. What was your biggest party ever.
6. Who was your first crush?
7. What was your favorite present you ever got?
8. In the movie the Proposal, how long did it take to do the full movie?
9. Where is the best place you have ever been to.
10. If you could travel any where in the world where would it be and why
2. What is your favorite sport.
3. What was the best movie you played in.
4. What was your favorite TV show as a kid.
5. What was your biggest party ever.
6. Who was your first crush?
7. What was your favorite present you ever got?
8. In the movie the Proposal, how long did it take to do the full movie?
9. Where is the best place you have ever been to.
10. If you could travel any where in the world where would it be and why
<----------- This is a baby Tapir..
They look something like a pig with a trunk, but they are actually related to Horses and rhinos.
There average life span is 25 to 30 years.
They can weigh anything from 500 to 800 pounds.
in a group they are called Candle.
They are an Endangered species.
Mostly live in forest and grasslands.
There size is relevant to a six foot man.
There are for kinds of Tapir left in the world.
--------------THIS IS A-------------->
Most Malayan tapir are black and white, and look like pandas!

<--------------------THIS IS A---------------------------
usual these kinds of tapir look like small deer in color but not in shape!
-------------------THIS IS A -------------------->
These tapirs usually look like a pig.
They look something like a pig with a trunk, but they are actually related to Horses and rhinos.
There average life span is 25 to 30 years.
They can weigh anything from 500 to 800 pounds.
in a group they are called Candle.
They are an Endangered species.
Mostly live in forest and grasslands.
There size is relevant to a six foot man.
--------------THIS IS A-------------->
Most Malayan tapir are black and white, and look like pandas!
<--------------------THIS IS A---------------------------
usual these kinds of tapir look like small deer in color but not in shape!
-------------------THIS IS A -------------------->
These tapirs usually look like a pig.
People who embrrassed me :0
Ok..... So some people who embarrasses me would be my Mom, Dad, and My boyfriend.
1. She sings when were in public.
2. She'll pretend to make weird noises when we drive in the car.
3. Some times she laughs so hard she snorts.
4. She will take funny pictures!
5. Sing out of tune with the radio on (or off) EVEN WORSE
1. My dad makes up his own songs and sings them!
2. He makes weird jokes and them laughs at them.
3. He'll kick me in the butt when were shopping
4. Talks to random people if were on vacation.
5. Sometimes talks like a girl and pretends to be gay.
6. Makes fun of me because I'm a girl, so when we go shopping he'll hold a bra up to him and ask if it looks good. :)
1. He pretends to drive like me.
2. When we go shopping he'll sing and dance threw the isles
3. He acts like hes retarded in the stores!
4. When we went on vacation, he told the lifeguard that I though he was hot and he was by far from HOT.
5. When a semi drove by he held up a sign saying "Honk if you think I'm sexy"
6. Sometimes when we go out, he talks in a accent
1. She sings when were in public.
2. She'll pretend to make weird noises when we drive in the car.
3. Some times she laughs so hard she snorts.
4. She will take funny pictures!
5. Sing out of tune with the radio on (or off) EVEN WORSE
1. My dad makes up his own songs and sings them!
2. He makes weird jokes and them laughs at them.
3. He'll kick me in the butt when were shopping
4. Talks to random people if were on vacation.
5. Sometimes talks like a girl and pretends to be gay.
6. Makes fun of me because I'm a girl, so when we go shopping he'll hold a bra up to him and ask if it looks good. :)
1. He pretends to drive like me.
2. When we go shopping he'll sing and dance threw the isles
3. He acts like hes retarded in the stores!
4. When we went on vacation, he told the lifeguard that I though he was hot and he was by far from HOT.
5. When a semi drove by he held up a sign saying "Honk if you think I'm sexy"
6. Sometimes when we go out, he talks in a accent
:) :( :/
OK, so the last week of my life has been completely hectected.......On Monday we took a class trip out to Des Monies, well that didn't turn out to be a walk in the park. My ipod and my money were stolen.. by whom I don't know but it wasn't a very fun ride back.
Yesterday 2/17/2011, My dads house was broke into, alot was missing and alot of stuff was destroyed. It scares me knowing that the cops said who ever did it may have been watching us awhile to figure out what we look like, where we live, and what are cars look like, and when were home and when were not. Knowing that someone was in Our house dosent make me feel safe at all. The one place your suppose to feel safe is your home, well not Me.
The cops ended up finding a shoe print on the glass and a finger print on the door. It was pretty kewl to see how they did some of the things. They searched the whole house, but there was no one in it (Thank God) and there was also no foot tracks threw the house. which the cop said they must have taken their shoes off... as if it wasnt already freaky enought they were in there! Also after they broke in they LOCKED the door, (the one with the window out) and used another door to leave and shut it behind them.... DUHH!!!
:) the end
Yesterday 2/17/2011, My dads house was broke into, alot was missing and alot of stuff was destroyed. It scares me knowing that the cops said who ever did it may have been watching us awhile to figure out what we look like, where we live, and what are cars look like, and when were home and when were not. Knowing that someone was in Our house dosent make me feel safe at all. The one place your suppose to feel safe is your home, well not Me.
The cops ended up finding a shoe print on the glass and a finger print on the door. It was pretty kewl to see how they did some of the things. They searched the whole house, but there was no one in it (Thank God) and there was also no foot tracks threw the house. which the cop said they must have taken their shoes off... as if it wasnt already freaky enought they were in there! Also after they broke in they LOCKED the door, (the one with the window out) and used another door to leave and shut it behind them.... DUHH!!!
:) the end
what i want for my birthday!!!
Ok so My birthday isnt close its actually far away. Its on september 20th
so for My birthday I want a new car! Im not sure what kind but I just no I need a new one.
hmm I also want a hampster! I was suppose to get one but I never did :'(
and a tea cup yourkie its only the cutest puppy ever :)

and maybe a horse :)
so for My birthday I want a new car! Im not sure what kind but I just no I need a new one.
hmm I also want a hampster! I was suppose to get one but I never did :'(
and a tea cup yourkie its only the cutest puppy ever :)

and maybe a horse :)
If i was a superhero and i could have any powers I wanted I would choose alot.
1. I would choose Freeze ray, so i could freeze people who were in my way!
2. I would choose heat gun, that way if i cant get something undone or i was int a trap i could melt it away!
3. I could have xray vision, that way I could be come a very successful doctor.
4. Maybe I could have food vision that way if I'm hungry for anything I wanted I could just zap it right in front
5. or body transformation! that way if I wanted to get into a place I couldnt, I could change into that person
6. Glow in the dark, that way I wouldnt be afraid of the dark that much!!!
7. and I would love to have immortality, that way My fear of dyeing wouldnt come true
1. I would choose Freeze ray, so i could freeze people who were in my way!
2. I would choose heat gun, that way if i cant get something undone or i was int a trap i could melt it away!
3. I could have xray vision, that way I could be come a very successful doctor.
4. Maybe I could have food vision that way if I'm hungry for anything I wanted I could just zap it right in front
5. or body transformation! that way if I wanted to get into a place I couldnt, I could change into that person
6. Glow in the dark, that way I wouldnt be afraid of the dark that much!!!
7. and I would love to have immortality, that way My fear of dyeing wouldnt come true
NEWS FEED :) snow storm in Texas
WHO: The entire state of Texas
WHAT: A snow storm strikes Texas, leaving ice and snow behind. canceling hundreds of flights
WHERE: In Texas and Southern states
WHEN: Over the past 4 days,
HOW: With the massive snow storm that hit, leaving thousands of homes with out electricity. and leaving ice and snow on the roads, also several hundred cars that were stranded on the side of the roads.
WHAT: A snow storm strikes Texas, leaving ice and snow behind. canceling hundreds of flights
WHERE: In Texas and Southern states
WHEN: Over the past 4 days,
HOW: With the massive snow storm that hit, leaving thousands of homes with out electricity. and leaving ice and snow on the roads, also several hundred cars that were stranded on the side of the roads.
Biggest storm in DECADES!!!!!

The only advice I can give people is not to travel. Stay inside and be prepared in case electricity goes out. travel only if necessary. and if you do travel with care.
Whi I am in Life
My name is Madison. Most of you found out about me in my last blog.! But now I'm going in to Detail!
So lets see what type of person am I? I'm usually layed back, I'm funny when I want to be, serious when I want to be. I can be mean only if people are mean back, I get super emotional sometimes, and I hate seeing people such as friend or family upset. I'm from a big town in Illinois. I lived there for 2 years before moving back to Iowa. I currently live in the middle of nowhere in the country. I like flag football, soccer, dancing, singing, running, track, cross country, basketball, and playing softball in the summer with my brother. My plans for the future are, go to college, a University of some sort, have a family of my own, and own my own house and have an amazing job.
Life to me means alot. I believe that everyone here was put here for a reason. Everyone on earth has a place for something. I see life as an adventure. You live each day as if something wonderful is going to happen, and it usually does. Whether its meeting new friends, getting a job promotion, or getting something you always wanted. I'm usually happy alot of the times because of my friends and family. I get to be around the people I admire usually everyday. How I get threw day to day is with the help of my dad. He is the one that is always telling me that everything is going to be ok. That no matter what choice I make in life it will always be the right one. Only if I stay on the right track, and don't get caught in with the wrong group.
What inspires Me to move on like I said is my dad, He is always looking out for Me and is always being a parent but yet lets me have fun at the same time. What motivates Me the most are the words that my Grandma always use to tell me, "Never give up your dreams, Keep moving on no matter what anyone tells you only you are in charge of your life". She would always tell Me that because My dream of being little was to be a doctor. The people most important in My life are My family members, and My close friends. They help Me with everyday life situations, and tell Me its going to be ok when I really no its not.
I hope My future is just like I planned it would be. To have a husband of My own, two kids, a house all payed off, and an excellent job. 10 years from now I can see My self as a surgical doctor, with My own family, and kids!. I really don't have a time frame for My dream because My dream has never changed. Ive always wanted to be a computer engineer, or a pilot. That is my life long dream mostly a pilot. I hope to have a family with two girls, Brailey and Briley! There weird names but they have alot of meaning to them!
So now that you no everything about my life, I can wrap it up by saying ,,,,,,, THAT IS MY LIFE :)
So lets see what type of person am I? I'm usually layed back, I'm funny when I want to be, serious when I want to be. I can be mean only if people are mean back, I get super emotional sometimes, and I hate seeing people such as friend or family upset. I'm from a big town in Illinois. I lived there for 2 years before moving back to Iowa. I currently live in the middle of nowhere in the country. I like flag football, soccer, dancing, singing, running, track, cross country, basketball, and playing softball in the summer with my brother. My plans for the future are, go to college, a University of some sort, have a family of my own, and own my own house and have an amazing job.
Life to me means alot. I believe that everyone here was put here for a reason. Everyone on earth has a place for something. I see life as an adventure. You live each day as if something wonderful is going to happen, and it usually does. Whether its meeting new friends, getting a job promotion, or getting something you always wanted. I'm usually happy alot of the times because of my friends and family. I get to be around the people I admire usually everyday. How I get threw day to day is with the help of my dad. He is the one that is always telling me that everything is going to be ok. That no matter what choice I make in life it will always be the right one. Only if I stay on the right track, and don't get caught in with the wrong group.
What inspires Me to move on like I said is my dad, He is always looking out for Me and is always being a parent but yet lets me have fun at the same time. What motivates Me the most are the words that my Grandma always use to tell me, "Never give up your dreams, Keep moving on no matter what anyone tells you only you are in charge of your life". She would always tell Me that because My dream of being little was to be a doctor. The people most important in My life are My family members, and My close friends. They help Me with everyday life situations, and tell Me its going to be ok when I really no its not.
I hope My future is just like I planned it would be. To have a husband of My own, two kids, a house all payed off, and an excellent job. 10 years from now I can see My self as a surgical doctor, with My own family, and kids!. I really don't have a time frame for My dream because My dream has never changed. Ive always wanted to be a computer engineer, or a pilot. That is my life long dream mostly a pilot. I hope to have a family with two girls, Brailey and Briley! There weird names but they have alot of meaning to them!
So now that you no everything about my life, I can wrap it up by saying ,,,,,,, THAT IS MY LIFE :)
Crash over Alaska!!!
Hmm I'm thinking I would have to bring a How To Survive in the Wild book. I would never be able to survive by myself. Especially with no people to talk to and no people or cell phone service:(

I wouldn't no how to cook (not that i do now!!) I wouldn't no what I can and can not eat. what I can and can not drink so I'm going to need a book with alot of information...

Monday, January 24, 2011
hmmmm :)
So I'm suppose to tell you guys about Myself and My life.... well here it goes...
I'm 17 years old and a Jr in high school. I was born in a big city in Illinois, but now I live in the middle of nowhere.! My parents have been divorced since I was 2. I live mostly with my dad, and with mom on the weekends. I have two dogs Shadow, and Moose and three cats Tiger, Tabby, and Cuddles. Christmas is my favorite holiday, but personally I think my birthday is way more important! I recently moved to a new school.. It was hard trying to fit in at first but now that I no more people its way easier. I was in a car accident last February. , I have a brother 14, and a sister 23. My favorite color is blue. I love salads, and soup. and HATE Chinese food. I am terrified of the dark, spiders, cows, clowns, heights, big dogs, and scary movies! I have braces, which I am getting off hopefully in the spring!! I love to dance, swim, camp, ski, play soccer, flag football, and basketball, also run track and cross country!!
I would love to go to a university but I'm not sure what one yet. There are so many things out there that I would like to, the one thing that I would really like to do is be a computer mechanic or work with computers, Also I would like to be a physical therapist, or something that helps people, and I also considered working in a children's wing in a hospital, My hero would be my dad, He is always there for me, when I was in my car accident he was the first one at the hospital, He was the one who held my hand when I layed there and cried, and he was the first one to tell me that I was going to be all right. It really makes you think about what some people do and don't have, not everyone in the world has a family that can be so supportive. My mom would come in second just because she hasnt been with me threw my whole entire life and missed out alot when i was a baby... but she still showed me how to do my hair , make up, and poof my bangs when I was a little girl. but that is pretty much all there is to know about me...
I'm 17 years old and a Jr in high school. I was born in a big city in Illinois, but now I live in the middle of nowhere.! My parents have been divorced since I was 2. I live mostly with my dad, and with mom on the weekends. I have two dogs Shadow, and Moose and three cats Tiger, Tabby, and Cuddles. Christmas is my favorite holiday, but personally I think my birthday is way more important! I recently moved to a new school.. It was hard trying to fit in at first but now that I no more people its way easier. I was in a car accident last February. , I have a brother 14, and a sister 23. My favorite color is blue. I love salads, and soup. and HATE Chinese food. I am terrified of the dark, spiders, cows, clowns, heights, big dogs, and scary movies! I have braces, which I am getting off hopefully in the spring!! I love to dance, swim, camp, ski, play soccer, flag football, and basketball, also run track and cross country!!
I would love to go to a university but I'm not sure what one yet. There are so many things out there that I would like to, the one thing that I would really like to do is be a computer mechanic or work with computers, Also I would like to be a physical therapist, or something that helps people, and I also considered working in a children's wing in a hospital, My hero would be my dad, He is always there for me, when I was in my car accident he was the first one at the hospital, He was the one who held my hand when I layed there and cried, and he was the first one to tell me that I was going to be all right. It really makes you think about what some people do and don't have, not everyone in the world has a family that can be so supportive. My mom would come in second just because she hasnt been with me threw my whole entire life and missed out alot when i was a baby... but she still showed me how to do my hair , make up, and poof my bangs when I was a little girl. but that is pretty much all there is to know about me...
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