So I'm suppose to tell you guys about Myself and My life.... well here it goes...
I'm 17 years old and a Jr in high school. I was born in a big city in Illinois, but now I live in the middle of nowhere.! My parents have been divorced since I was 2. I live mostly with my dad, and with mom on the weekends. I have two dogs Shadow, and Moose and three cats Tiger, Tabby, and Cuddles. Christmas is my favorite holiday, but personally I think my birthday is way more important! I recently moved to a new school.. It was hard trying to fit in at first but now that I no more people its way easier. I was in a car accident last February. , I have a brother 14, and a sister 23. My favorite color is blue. I love salads, and soup. and HATE Chinese food. I am terrified of the dark, spiders, cows, clowns, heights, big dogs, and scary movies! I have braces, which I am getting off hopefully in the spring!! I love to dance, swim, camp, ski, play soccer, flag football, and basketball, also run track and cross country!!
I would love to go to a university but I'm not sure what one yet. There are so many things out there that I would like to, the one thing that I would really like to do is be a computer mechanic or work with computers, Also I would like to be a physical therapist, or something that helps people, and I also considered working in a children's wing in a hospital, My hero would be my dad, He is always there for me, when I was in my car accident he was the first one at the hospital, He was the one who held my hand when I layed there and cried, and he was the first one to tell me that I was going to be all right. It really makes you think about what some people do and don't have, not everyone in the world has a family that can be so supportive. My mom would come in second just because she hasnt been with me threw my whole entire life and missed out alot when i was a baby... but she still showed me how to do my hair , make up, and poof my bangs when I was a little girl. but that is pretty much all there is to know about me...